These Smart Cat Breeds You Need To Know

    Felines are very intelligent animals while it will depend on the individual certain cat breeds are known for displaying more intelligence than others. Do you want to know what they are? In this MeetClaw blog, we look at some of the most intelligent cat breeds in the world.

1. American bobtail 

    Bobtail is very affectionate and outgoing. They establish very strong ties with their family and join the company whenever possible. They also show great intelligence and empathy; they are amusing when things are going well and comforting when they are not. They can be quiet but enjoy interactive games and outdoor activities.

2. Maine soon

    This is the official breed of the state of Maine in the United States. These cats are considered very intelligent, as they have an extraordinary facility to learn all kinds of tricks and are relatively easy to train. They are also gentle and sociable. Despite their large frame, this not only makes them good companions but excellent therapy pets. 

3. Siamese

    The Siamese cat is one of the oldest and most popular cat breeds. This feline stands out for being one of the most communicative and talkative, they do not hesitate to speak to us via various vocalizations and gestures, they love to interact with us and participate in whatever activity we are doing, they do all this with one of the highest intelligence levels in cats.

4. Japanese bobtail

    These cats are very playful, love to climb, jump, and solve puzzles. They are also relatively easy to train and can master various feline sports. They are always aware of everything we do and do not hesitate to call our attention to something. They are so sociable and love to be around other animals, also their human family.

5. European Burmese

    The European Burmese is a calm, friendly and affectionate cat. They love to snuggle on the sofa but will be active and participate in play activities. They do not like being alone, so they follow us around the house, watch us closely and draw our attention. Their empathy and ability to socialize lead us to consider them one of the most intelligent cat breeds in the world.

6. Khao Manee

    This breed is native to Thailand, where it is considered a kind of lucky charm by royalty. Their clear luminous eyes form us of their intelligence. The Khao Manee is an excellent rodent hunter, which maintains the typical curiosity common to the oldest breeds. They are particularly devoted to their family whom they accompany everywhere.

7. Bengal

    The wild appearance of the Bengals made them a popular breed. This appearance is due to the fact they come from a cross between the domestic cat and the Asian leopard cat. In this way, they are a breed with the intelligence of wild cats, but the loving nature of a domestic. They are also one of the most active and athletic breeds.

8. European

    The European is the pedigree standard of the common house cat. They originate from the domestication of the African wildcat and have been distributed throughout the world, giving rise to other cat breeds. There is no doubt that these cats have innate intelligence, which allows them to live with humans and persuades us to welcome them to our home. Due to the age of this breed, many of its members have been able to demonstrate acute ingenuity.

9. Turkish angora

    The beauty and intelligence of the Turkish angora have led them to gradually become one of the most popular breeds in the world. They are very versatile animals adapting easily to different households. they enjoy the company of children and other companion animals. Their outgoing and affectionate nature has helped them be recognized as one of the most intelligent cat breeds in the world. Remember that: the intelligence of a cat will also depend on the individual, many cats both purebred and with mixed heritage are waiting to be adopted and loved.

    If you live with a smart cat, why not share some of their intellectual feats in the comments? What breed of cat do you think is the smartest? Please tell us by leaving a comment. Thanks for reading. If you like this article, don’t forget to subscribe and give us a like. Buy affordable pet supplies, please visit

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