Common Household Items That Can Kill Dogs

    While cats are known for being curious, dogs can be just as curious, which means they sometimes show up in a place in the home where they shouldn’t be, which can lead them to discover products or objects that are toxic to them. At MeetClaw, we’ve put together a list of common household items that can kill dogs to prevent this from happening.

1. Chocolate 

    Chocolate contains a substance called theobromine which is toxic to dogs. The greatest concern is dark chocolate. As it has the highest levels of theobromine out of all chocolate products. If our dog eats an ounce of chocolate, they may have an upset stomach, but it shouldn’t cause intoxication. However, more can be dangerous.

2. Medications 

    We should never leave prescription drugs or medications within reach of our dogs as they can poison them. Although paracetamol is relatively mild for us, it’s one of the most dangerous for our dog, being lethal at 150 milligrams per kilogram of a dog’s weight.

3. Cleaning products 

    Products used to clean the home can cause stomach upset, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, irritation, or even severe burns. Other products we must pay special attention to are ammonia, fabric softener and bleach, some may cause only mild discomfort, but most can be fatal if ingested in sufficient amounts. 

4. Mothballs 

    The ingestion of a single mothball can cause serious damage to the liver and central nervous system of a dog, which causes vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures. Consuming more than one can lead to the death of the animal. We recommend that you be very careful with their use, or if you have a dog avoid them altogether.

5. Antifreeze 

    Antifreeze and similar coolants that contain ethylene glycol can be lethal to dogs, experts say topical exposure only causes mild skin irritation, but prolonged exposure could cause the animal’s feet to dry out crack, burn, or bleed, and ingestion can cause vomiting and diarrhea. If you observe any of these symptoms don’t hesitate to go to the vet. 

6. Fruit stones 

    The stones of fruits, such as peaches apples, apricots, cherries, or plums are high in cyanide that dogs cannot digest. Their toxicity varies from mild to moderate, and various symptoms may appear after consumption, such as dilated pupils, shortness of breath, red gums, shock, and even death. Remember that you can give them the pulp of the fruit, but always remove seeds or stones beforehand. 

7. Cooked bones

    These have caused serious injuries in some dogs. If you have offered a cooked bone to your dog and notice any abnormality or symptom of discomfort, don’t hesitate to go to your veterinarian. 

8. Xylitol

    Xylitol is a sweetener that is used in the preparation of different foods and can be extremely toxic to dogs. Typically, it can be found in sugar-free gum, toothpaste, mouthwash, or many sugar-free alternate foodstuffs. If your dog consumes xylitol, it may suffer vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, seizures, and even more serious problems, such as hypoglycemia after only a short time.

9. Macadamia nuts

    Macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs. If your dog has eaten one or two, they could have mild to severe hind leg weakness. The poisoning will be greater, if they eat more than seven whole macadamia nuts. Although it rarely produces death, it can cause the dog serious short-term harm, and exacerbate other health issues, so it’s best to go to the vet.

10.Toxic plants

    Symptoms caused by plant poisoning can vary depending on the species ingested, in general, they include vomiting and negative effects on the central nervous system. Certain plant species can even be fatal if ingested. This link shares a video on plants that are toxic to dogs.

11. Avocado pit and skin 

    Avocado is a food that can cause mild poisoning in dogs due to a toxin called person which is found both in the pit and in the skin, as it is a mild poisoning, the veterinarian will indicate the most appropriate treatment to control it, and eliminate the toxin. Likewise, if the pit is ingested it could cause an obstruction and subsequent suffocation.

12. Garlic and onion 

    The sulfur compound in garlic and onion have been identified as toxic to dogs. For the animal to develop a serious health problem, they need to ingest large amounts of garlic. The onion does tend to present certain symptoms of irritation in the digestive system, despite consuming only a moderate amount. If your dog has eaten a large quantity of garlic or onion, it’s important to go to the vet.

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