Things That Cats Hate The Most

    Still not aware that some unintentional behavior of yours might make your cat hate you? So take a quick look at some of the cat-hating behaviors we’ve listed in this blog post, and see if there are any mistakes you have made.

No.1 Belly rubs

    Everyone knows that dogs tend to love belly rubs, but cats are usually the opposite. A cat’s stomach is one of the most vulnerable spots on its body; because many vital organs are underneath. Cats are smart cookies, so they know that an injury in or near the stomach could be life-threatening. That’s why the typical feline avoids exposing this vulnerable area. If your cat does show you their belly, it means they trust you, so you should be proud of that. However, when they show you their belly, it doesn’t mean that they want you to give them a belly rub. While some cats allow belly rubs, most want you to just look instead of touch. When you are in doubt if your cat allows belly rubs, always err on the side of caution to avoid upsetting your cat. 

No.2 Stale food

    Cats can be very finicky, but it’s not because they want to give you a hard time. Some cats hate the taste of leftovers, but other cats walk away from food because it’s stale after a can of wet food is opened. It only has a shelf life of 24 hours, and that’s if it is stored in a refrigerator. Wet food should not be left out for more than a few hours to prevent bacteria from building up. If the food is left out longer than that, it can cause gastrointestinal upset. On the other hand, dry food can be left out for the day, but any longer than that leads to staleness. Either way, keep your cat’s food fresh.

No. 3 Being treated like dogs 

    A common rookie mistake is treating a cat like a dog. Not only do cats hate this, but it’s also detrimental to their well-being. Anyway, cats and dogs are completely different animals which means they have different wants, needs, and behaviors. For example, if you force your cat into a harness for a walk, you’re asking for trouble. Don’t get me wrong, walking a cat can be wonderful for them. However, they don’t adapt as fast to a harness as a dog. Instead, the cat would need gradual training to work up to a harnessed walk. 

No. 4 Car rides

    We need to be clear that cats don’t hate cars specifically. Instead, they hate the ride, and for one main reason, lack of control. By now, you’ve probably gathered the theme here. First, your cat feels completely out of control when they are forced into a carrier. The situation is made worse for them when they are forced inside a moving vehicle where they have no way to escape. 

    When you add in the strong smell of gasoline and loud music, it makes sense that a car ride is a recipe for stress. To top off the hatred, most of the time, a car ride equals a trip to the vet, which is a whole other can of worms, this is not to say that a cat can’t be brought up to tolerate or even like the car. But usually, without early introduction or consistency, cats hate car rides.

    So which of these things does your cat hate the most? Let us know in the comments below. Also, if you enjoyed this blog, don’t forget to click that like button and subscribe to MeetClaw official, in this way, we can continue to update more high-quality articles for you, and you will not miss any of them. Your encouragement and support are our greatest motivation. Buy affordable pet supplies, please visit

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