Behaviors That Could Hurt Your Cat

    Do you have a habit of sharing your food with your cat? Do you have the habit of directly holding cats when you come home from outside? Did you know that perhaps your inadvertent actions can be extremely damaging to your cat? There are issues that many pet owners overlook in their daily lives, but that can have a huge impact on your cat, so today we’re going to discuss some of the behaviors that can be detrimental to cats.

Essential Oil Fragrance

    Most household essential oils and fragrances on the market contain phenolic components. However, cats lack phenolic detoxification enzymes, making them difficult to metabolize. Ingestion or inhalation by cats may lead to cat poisoning, vomiting, and liver failure. If the cat is only exposed to low doses of essential oils, there may not be too obvious signs of toxicity. But phenolic compounds can build up in cats, which can increase their risk of liver or lung disease.

Not sterilized

    If you have the habit of going out and petting cats, you should prepare two things at your door. A bottle of pet sanitizer to disinfect your body before entering the door to touch your pets, so as to avoid bringing the virus from other cats home and infecting the cats at home. Besides, you can prepare a towel full of the smell of your cat. Take off your coat before entering the door, and use this towel to wipe your body to cover up the smell of cats outside, to avoid bringing back the smell of unfamiliar cats and making your cat anxious. Beyond that, don’t forget to deworm your cat regularly.

Inappropriate sanitizer

    Cats lack phenol detoxification enzymes and are therefore sensitive to phenolic compounds. The traditional disinfectants on the market contain phenolic compounds, which can even be fatal if ingested by cats. Undiluted or highly concentrated disinfectants may also burn your cat’s mouth or skin. Therefore, it is not only necessary to choose a suitable disinfectant, but also to do a good job of dilution. Also, we need to know that disinfectants containing sodium hypochlorite are not suitable for cleaning cat litter boxes. Because sodium hypochlorite will produce toxic gas if it comes into direct contact with urine.

Smoking indoors

    As we know, passive smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke also increase the incidence of malignancies, and the same applies to cats. When you smoke indoors, the carcinogens of tobacco residues will remain at home, on furniture, and even on cat hair. This is called third-hand smoke. It is no less harmful than second-hand smoke. After the cat rolls or rubs furniture, these toxic ingredients will be ingested during daily grooming and licking, which will endanger the cat’s health, so do not smoke indoors.

Share your food with your cat

    The nutrients needed by cats are different from those needed by humans. In fact, many foods eaten by humans are not suitable for cats, which will endanger the health of cats. Plus, there are some foods that are toxic to cats, which we’ll share with you in the next article.

    Thanks for reading! Hopefully, you can avoid these behaviors that can harm your cat after reading this article. Do you know of any other behaviors that could potentially harm your cat? Please let us know in the comments section.

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