Fun facts about cat paws

A cat’s paws are a vital part of feline anatomy and how they function is fascinating. If you want to know the characteristics which make them so unique, keep on reading. We provide some fun facts all about cat paws in this blog.

Cats are used to mark territory

    Cats don’t sweat all over their body, the vast majority of feline sweat glands are located on the underside of their paw pads, these sweat glands also produce scents allowing them to mark territory where they walk, scratch or knead. In this way, they let other cats and animals know a particular place already has an owner.

Pads of cats match their coat

    The paw pads match the color of the cat’s fur and skin since the same pigment is present. The pads will be black in black cats; in white cats, they are usually pink; and cats of various colors usually have different patches.

Cat wash their paws often

    Cats clean their paws a lot, so you must always control that they do not touch dirt or areas with poor hygienic conditions, this way we can avoid the ingestion of microorganisms, toxic substances, or small objects that can damage their health.

Cats walk on tiptoe 

    Cat walking on tiptoes, which means they only support themselves on their toes when they walk. It is unlike humans who walk on their heels and soles. Although it may seem uncomfortable for them, they are anatomically capable to walk on tiptoes without any problem. In addition, along with the tough but cushioned skin of their pads, they can walk, run and jump silently, so their prey does not hear them.

A particular way of walking 

    Along with camels and giraffes, cats have a special way of walking, whereby they move the front and rear legs on the same side together and then do the same on the opposite side. This means the legs on one side are suspended, while the others are in motion. Additionally, the rear leg on each side will step in the same position where the front leg has stepped.

Cats have great sensitivity 

    Cats have great sensitivity because their paw pads have many nerve endings and blood vessels. Cuts or trauma to a paw cause a lot of pain and may bleed a lot. This sensitivity also allows them to know the temperature of the surface they walk on, the state of the terrain, and other characteristics.

Cat have retractable claws 

    Their nails are usually hidden in a leathery sleeve under the pads that prevent wear and tear, allowing them to walk quietly. They take their nails out when climbing, playing, or defending themselves. They scratch to keep their claws ready and sharp to use if the situation calls for it, and it is essential to meet this need by providing scratching posts to prevent them from damaging materials in the home.

Cats have a leg preference

    Several studies have shown that just as people are left or right-handed, cats tend to prefer one paw over the other, you can test this by playing with them with something difficult to hunt, and they will use more effort in their dominant leg to reach it.

Great flexibility 

    Cat legs and paws are very flexible, making them great climbers. They can even direct their hind legs forward to climb better. Unfortunately, their front legs are not as good at going down. The reason they sometimes get stuck in high places. 

The number of digits may vary

    Most cats have 18 toes, five in each front leg and four in each back. However, there are cats known as being polydactyl, where genetic mutations mean they have additional digits, which is common in Maine cats. 

    Thanks for reading MeetClaw’s blog. Tell us what other curious things have you noticed on your cat’s paws in the comments, and see you next time.

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