Odd Cat Behaviors Explained

Cats are adorable and intelligent animals that behave in ways we may find unusual or strange. However, there are logical and reasonable explanations for their bizarre behaviors. In this blog, we’ll talk about some unusual cat behaviors and explain the meaning behind them.

NO.1 Why do kittens freeze when grabbed by the neck 

    At one time or another, you’ve probably witnessed a mama cat carrying her kittens around by the scruff of their neck, this form of transport is known as scruffing. Mother cats only carry kittens by the scruff for the first few weeks of life. They can do that because kittens have a reflex in which their bodies go limp when picked up by the scruff.

    This scruff is a handle designed by nature to transport kittens from one place to another, making their parents’ lives easier. Kittens are made to be very obedient and submissive. It works as an off button to allow mothers in the wild to worry less. Evolution has done a lot of work to encourage kittens and puppies to be calmly compliant when their parents pick them u. Those that held still were successfully moved to a safe place and survived, while the other ones who wriggled did not survive.

NO.2 Why do cats follow you everywhere in the house

    If you live with a feline, you have noticed that they follow you everywhere. This behavior may seem strange, especially because cats have a reputation for being very independent creatures more often than not. Cats follow us around because they like our companionship. Contrary to what many people believe, cats love being with their human companions. 

    Cats are becoming more sociable and enjoy spending time with their human family as domestication has progressed over the years. Another reason why cats follow you is that they want to be entertained. It’s common for felines to be bored because they often spend all their time indoors. An indoor cat cannot perform the typical hunting and exploratory behaviors innate to a feline. So they may follow you around looking to be stimulated, plus cats are a bit nosy, and they want to know what you are doing at all times.

    Cats may also follow you when they are patrolling their territory. In the wild, the daily activity of cats is to walk several times on their territories. They do this to emit smells and look for possible invaders. On the other hand, if your cat follows you and meows constantly, they may be in poor health or want something, like food or a clean litter box. This is why many cat owners notice that their cats tend to follow them when it is near feeding time.

NO.3 Why cats don’t always cover their waste

    Burying waste is a natural feline instinct, and it’s not just because cats are obsessed with cleanliness. In the wild, weaker and smaller cats bury their excrement to eliminate odors and prevent attracting the attention of predators. 

    Dominant cats such as leopards, lions, and tigers usually do not bury their feces when competing for territory, which shows that they are declaring this area theirs. Mountain lions even build a little hill using dirt and leaves and then deposit their poop on top for all the world to see and smell. 

    When a domesticated cat suddenly chooses not to bury their waste, they may want to let other cats or owners know about their presence. Even if a feline has lived in the same place for some time, they may not feel it is their territory, so they leave their feces uncovered to warn other animals that this particular territory belongs to them. You often see this among male cats or when a new cat comes to the house. But make no mistake, your cat may also not bury their feces if they don’t like the texture or smell of the litter or if the litter box is too small for them.

    The quality of the litter and the box may be the reason that your cat wants to spend less time in the box, painful medical problems like a urinary tract infection or a sore paw might also make a cat want to spend less time in the box and thus not covering their feces.

     Know about the behind meaning of your cats that will make you get along well with your cats and enjoy life together. Want more information, don’t forget to subscribe MeetClaw. Here you can not only learn the knowledge of pets but also get good products suitable for pets.

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